News and updates about our programs, tours, and successes. Our goal is to motivate tweens, teens, and adults to move, laugh, and experience success as they learn to juggle and play with other skill toys.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Summer 2011 Tour Dates
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December 2010 Newsletter
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Getting Creative with Fundama
I have been doing a Fundama Club with 25 5th graders at my school. We meet once a week for 50 minutes and we have the best time! They absolutely LOVE making and playing with the toys. I am so glad I found your fantastic program and website! So far we've made the basic, freestyle, six and twist. They are really excited about the ladder and plan to make Paul's party before making their own parties. Our final goal is to go on our school's morning show and show off our toys and talent. Thank you so much for this great resource. We're having a wonderful time!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tour Dates: 2010-2011
For more information about Flow Circus school and library performances, teen workshops, and staff trainings, visit
Feel free to contact Dawn at if you would like more information.
Monday, November 1, 2010
November 2010 Newsletter
Saturday, October 16, 2010
New Video of Paul
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Skill Toys Add Play to Community Festivals
Saturday, October 2, 2010
October 2010 Newsletter
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Twist & Earn! Helps Teens Raise Money & Awareness
One of the contest winners was East Greenbush Community Library in New York where teens decided to raise money for WaterAid America. WaterAid America works to provide clean, safe water and sanitation to communities in Africa and Asia. The teens twisted balloon animals at the children's Summer Reading Program kick-off event and were able to raise $86 in just one afternoon. The benefits of the program go beyond just raising money. As Tween/Teen Librarian Chrissie Morrison wrote about Twist & Earn!
I think it is a great way to work on building bridges within the community and around the world. Getting the teens to work with other generations helps them to be seen in a positive light instead of always being looked upon as an annoyance and/or as trouble-makers. Getting teens involved in charity work also helps them to learn more about the world around them and to DO SOMETHING about the parts they want to change/improve!
The following article highlights the work of the East Greenbush teens.
For more information about the Twist & Earn! program, visit
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Make A Splash - SRP 2010 Video
Paul had so much fun developing a performance around the Make A Splash theme that combined storytelling, juggling, magic, and of course comedy. We also helped teens Make Waves by teaching them new juggling, skill toy, and balloon twisting skills.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the video capturing the fun we had!
September 2010 Newsletter
Sunday, August 1, 2010
August 2010 Newsletter
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Make a Splash......Without Making a Mess
His grandmother is about to leave on a trip to Asia and makes a deal with him......learn to do something that will make people smile and she will bring him a gift from her travels. Paul spends the summer learning to juggle, perform magic, and discovers other toys that require practice. He and his friends put on circus shows in his front yard and he realizes that he likes the applause! When his grandmother finally comes home, she brings him a new skill toy for him to learn - the Japanese kendama. Paul can't wait to see what new tricks he can learn and perform for more applause!
If you have been at one of the 90+ Flow Circus library shows this summer, feel free to comment here. To see more photos visit our Photo Gallery.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Flow Circus Returns to Cary Academy Summer Quest
Visit our photo gallery to see images of campers sculpting giant palm trees, mastering a variety of skill toys, and performing magic tricks like the cup and ball routine!
We look forward to returning to Summer Quest again next summer.
If your child was a camper, we would love to hear what you enjoyed most about the camp. Feel free to post your comments here.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July 2010 Newsletter
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Make a Splash/Make Waves with Fundama!
As a kid, performer Paul Miller was always getting in trouble. Then one summer all that changed with the gift a Japanese kendama. That popular toy and a trip to the library led him to discover juggling and other skill toys from around the world. Instead of getting grounded, he started to get applause.
As the performance took shape, we realized that we wanted to provide librarians with the opportunity to provide the same discovery of new toys and skills for their patrons. We know that budgets are limited, so we sat down with string, masking tape, sticks, paper cups & was born!
We hope to inspire kids to be creative and playful with whatever materials they might have laying around!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
May 2010 Newsletter
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Skill Toy Residency at Newcomer Center
This year we returned to the Chapel Hill High School’s Newcomer Center to conduct a Skill Toy residency. The center provides middle school ESL students with a smaller classroom environment to help with the transition to US language and culture. The majority of the students are refugees from Burma and have spent time in Thai refugee camps before coming to the US. The residency is coordinated by the Durham Arts Council.
Over the course of six visits we introduced juggling, flower sticks, Japanese kendama, spinning plates, diabolo, yo-yo, jitter ring, and footbag. Visit the Flow Circus photo gallery to see more pictures of the students using the different skill toys.
The students also introduced us to two common games from their cultures. The first involved a wicker ball called the chelo that gets kicked. The other is a rope game that involves a variety of intricate jumps over an ever-rising rope. We always enjoy learning about new games!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
April 2010 Newsletter
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Skill Toys From Around the World - 5th Grade Workshops
In addition to using toys to illustrate how cultures interacted and influenced each other, we discussed how the materials used to make the toys varied based on resources available and/or new inventions. Below are excerpts from thank you cards/letters written by the students after the workshop:
I never knew that history could be about toys! Today really inspired me.
The best part was when you taught us about how they were made and how they got from place to place on the Silk Road. Thank you!
You were entertaining and you made learning a blast. I have gotten lots of ideas for my project.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Teen Tech Week Video Contest: Learn, Create, Share
Teen Tech Week was established in 2007 by YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) to encourage teens to be "competent and ethical users of technologies" especially those offered at the library. They encourage teens to use school and community libraries' nonprint resources for education and recreation. Teen Tech Week 2010 was held March 7-13.
The theme was a perfect fit for our latest video contest: Learn to juggle or use other skill toys, Create a video, and Share the video with family and friends on For more information about the video contest visit the Flow Circus TV Blog.
Video contests are offered throughout the year as part of the Skill Toy Program. Libraries and afterschool programs can organize Skill Toy Clubs to engage teens in a unique, playful way. For more information on Skill Toy Clubs visit our website.
To see more pictures from our Teen Tech Week workshops visit the Flow Circus Photo Gallery.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
For more pictures of the show, visit the Flow Circus Photo Gallery.
For more information and activity ideas, visit the National Education Association's Read Across America website.
Monday, March 1, 2010
March 2010 Newsletter
Greetings from Flow Circus
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Teen Tech Week
Flow Circus Goes to School
Think Summer!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Nasher Museum of Art Family Day
The Nasher Museum has a beautiful performance space and enthusiastic audiences. In addition to performances, Paul performed close-up magic and engaged kids of all ages (the grown up ones too!) in plate spinning fun. We look forward to returning to the Nasher again in the future.
For more photos, visit the Flow Circus Photo Gallery. If you saw one of Paul's shows, feel free to comment here.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Make A Splash@Your Library
Below is a list of our current summer schedule. We still have openings for these tours and would love to visit your library. For more information on performances and workshops visit
Contact Dawn to check our availability at or (919)604-3462.
Flow Circus Visits Encore! Afterschool Program
Encore! loves Flow Circus. Paul and Dawn are awesome! They managed to capture the attention of and engage even our most hard-to-please students. The demonstrations and patient instruction were top notch---and I was even juggling by the end! I can’t say enough about how great they are.
Amy Franks, Program Specialist, Durham Public Schools
Last week, we had the opportunity to teach juggling workshops at 3 different Encore! afterschool programs in the Durham Public School System. We were so impressed by the willingness of these middle school students (and staff) to try something new. Over the course of a 60 minute workshop, everyone saw big improvements and we even had some of the participants juggling up to 30 throws. We look forward to returning to the programs this spring to introduce other skill toys.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Flow Circus Returns to Campfire
To add to the fun, Paul also performed his variety show for the group. The one thing we observe when working with YMCA staff is that they are always ready to laugh and play! We look forward to participating again next year.
To see more pictures visit the Flow Circus Photo Gallery.
Friday, January 15, 2010
New Video - Professional Development Workshops
Watch our video & imagine your colleagues having fun together!
For more information visit the Flow Circus website.