Monday, December 12, 2011

Summer 2012 Tour Schedule

We have been busy fielding calls and emails about Summer 2012 and our tour schedule is taking shape. Paul is still working out the details for his Dream Big - READ! performance to fit this summer's theme, but you can be sure that it will inspire children of all ages to discover new skills and interests at their library. To see how Paul used storytelling, juggling, and magic to highlight past SRP themes, visit our video gallery. We also offer engaging hands-on tween/teen workshops that will help Own the Night. For more information about these workshops, visit

Summer 2012 Tour Schedule:

Week of 6/4: Alabama

Week of 6/11: Western NC & Upstate SC

Week of 6/18: Pennsylvania

Week of 6/25: New York & Northern New Jersey

Week of 7/2: North Carolina

Week of 7/9: New Jersey & Pennsylvania

Week of 7/16: North and South Carolina

Week of 7/23: TBD (Available for a library tour of 10+ shows)

Week of 7/30: New Jersey & Pennsylvania

Week of 8/6 & 8/13: Northeast (NJ, NY, & CT)

Contact to check availability for specific dates/times. The schedule above may change as we move forward with planning so feel free to contact us with your requests.