Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Reading Program Kicks-off!

Flow Circus kicked-off Summer Reading Programs in Alabama & North Carolina with a new performance One Toy, Many Stories and the hands-on tween/teen workshop Skill Toys from Around the World.

Paul's 2011 SRP performance includes some old favorites like his 5 ball juggling routine, but also incorporates fun new routines. As always, the audience helps to create a unique show every time!

To see more pictures from our tours, visit our Photo Gallery. We look forward to bringing Flow Circus performances and workshops to libraries in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, & Connecticut throughout the summer months. Keep up with our tour schedule by becoming a fan of on our Facebook Page.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 2011 Newsletter

Greetings from Flow Circus
Juggling & Skill Toy Kits
Kendama Kokoro Project
Fall Conferences
2011-2 School Year
Grant for Camps or Parks & Rec
Upcoming Tours