Saturday, February 28, 2009

March 2009 Newsletter: Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Greetings from Paul

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Community Partnerships & Grants

Read Yourself Silly at End of School Year Celebrations

Summer Schedule: Camps, Performances, & Workshops

Share this Newsletter

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jugglers, Jesters, & Fools

Last week, we spent the day with 6th graders at Voyager Academy in Durham teaching juggling workshops that engaged students in active learning. Their study of the Middle Ages and Renaissance came to life as they learned first hand the skills of jesters and fools.

Did you know that there is evidence of juggling in Ancient Egypt and Greece? Just like many art forms, there is little documentation of juggling during the Dark Ages in Europe, but with the Renaissance came a rebirth of this unique art. Many other props such as the flower sticks and diabolo appear to have returned to Europe as trade with Asia became more frequent.

Throughout our workshop, we encouraged students to study the past by investigating the history of activities or topics they are interested in, such as toys or fashion or sports.  Looking at history in this way can make learning more captivating and of course, more FUN!

We enjoyed working with the Voyager Academy students & were impressed by their juggling skills! This residency was made possible through the Durham Arts Council CAPS program.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Upcoming Flow Circus Showcases

During February and early March, Flow Circus will be busy showcasing their stuff! These showcases are a wonderful opportunity for libraries, parks & rec departments, and educators to preview a variety of performers and identify good matches for their programming. Below is a list of upcoming showcases we are excited to be participating in:

Ramapo-Catskill Library System Performer's Showcase - Middletown, NY: February 27th

Westchester Library Association Performer's Showcase - White Plains, NY: March 3rd

Connecticut Recreation & Parks Association Entertainment Showcase - Hartford, CT: March 4th

Montgomery County-Norristown Public Library Sneak Previews- Norristown, PA: March 18th

National Library Week Resources

National Library Week is an annual celebration of the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians. This year it is being celebrated April 12-18, 2009. As we have toured libraries from Alabama to Connecticut, we are constantly impressed by library staff and their programs to engage children, teens, and adults.

Libraries truly are the center of the community and we need to make sure they remain vital even when budgets get tight. If you are a library, visit the ALA site for resources to help you promote National Library Week. For everyone else, please visit your your school, community, or college library and thank the fabulous staff that make it happen!


Flow Circus will be celebrating National Library Week with a tour of Connecticut libraries. We hope to see you there!

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 2009 Newsletter

Greetings from Paul

National Library Week Resources

North Carolina State of the Arts Conference

Upcoming Flow Circus Events

Summer Camp Schedule

Monday, February 2, 2009

Stand Up and Be Counted - Library Budgets & the Latest Depression

I just watched American Library Association Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels discuss making a case for libraries in bad economic times.  I found it uplifting -- despite the topic.

Fiels identifies education, democracy, and driving force in economy as 3 main public services that libraries deliver.  He also points out that attendance and circulation has grown significantly during this economic downturn.

The irony: as libraries become more valuable to the community, their budgets are increasingly jeopardized.